Crippled Alewive Tandem Spoon Rig

Crippled Alewive Tandem Spoon Rig
Color Combinations: 1. chrome spoon/white spire head/white shad 2. white spoon/white spire head/white shad 3. gold spoon/chartreuse spire head/chartreuse shad 4. gold spoon/green-yellow spire head/glitter green shad 5. green-yellow spoon/green-yellow spire head/green glitter shad)
Available Weights: 8 oz., 11 oz., 17 oz.
Crippled Alewive Tandem Spoon Rigs are designed to be fished without the use of inline sinkers offering less drag and direct contact with the baits. With two baits per line, our CA tandem rig doubles your chances of hooking that trophy fish.
Our tandems come pre-rigged with 3-way swivels and leaders; secure to line and you’re good to go. The tandem’s design allows the weighted shad bait to swim lower in the water while the trailing spoon swims higher in the water. To eliminate tangle concerns, we’ve added a coastlock swivel to the spoon leader which is tied directly to the spoon’s split ring to maintain proper action.
Each tandem package comes with a handy guide which calculates the tandem’s depth based on the tandem’s weight and how much line you have out. This ensures the tandem bait is presented in the proper water column position where the fish are present.