Offshore Dredges
Crippled Alewive Offshore Spoon Dredge
Crippled Alewive’s exclusive offshore dredge scares up fish like no other. The brilliant flash of our chrome plated spoons provides the appearance bait pod ripe for the taking while drawing big-game fish into your spread. Tuna, Dolphin, Marlin and Sailfish scream into your spread tantalized by the flashing spoon dredge.
Our dredges are made of the finest components including industrial strength titanium bars to stand up to the rigors trip after trip. No dredge on the market can compete with the alluring flash of the Crippled Alewive Offshore Dredge.
Our two-tiered offshore dredges are available in two sizes (both sizes include a 36” tier with 12 baits and a trailing 24” tier with 12 baits); equipped with 7/0 (4.5” in length) chrome CA spoons or 9/0 (6” in length) chrome CA spoons.